World Thinking Day 2024

This week we have celebrated ‘World Thinking Day’. Each year since 1926, on 22nd February, members of the Girl Guide and Scout movements all over the globe have celebrated World Thinking Day. It’s a day when they think of each other and give thanks and appreciation for their international friendships. 22nd February was chosen as the date for Thinking Day because it was the mutual birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting and Guiding, and Lady Olave Baden-Powell, the first Chief Guide. It is also known as Founders Day in the Scouting community. Whether you call it World Thinking Day, or Founders Day, it is a day for Guides and Scouts to renew their promises together and reflect on how the century old values of Guiding and Scouting still resonate in the fast-changing modern world.

World Thinking Day 2024