Teachers: Mrs Dorrington
TA: Miss Chesworth and Mrs Dalton
Here is a copy of our Parent Handbook Parent handbook Gulworthy 2024-2025
We are coming to the end of a fun filled, if not slightly soggy half term of Wild Tribe! We have learnt how to use firelighters, build our own fire, make dens and lots more. We love Tuesday’s! A big thank you to Katherine Steer as well, who has helped Ms Lindsell and I this term. We are looking forward to more forest school antics (and maybe a bit of sunshine finally) next term.
Nous sommes Parisienne!
This week we have kicked off our new text in English with a Parisian morning! A Lion in Paris is the story of a lonely lion who travels to the French capital and loves it so much he becomes a landmark and stays forever! It is a French text, translated into English and written by Beatrice Allemagne.
We learnt all about famous landmarks such as Notre Dame, Arc de Triomph and the Eiffel Tower! The children loved making flags and having pain au chocolate, baguettes and croissants for their mid morning snack! Tres bien!
As it has been World Book Day this week, Class One’s learning provision has been focused on a wide range of texts and promoting reading for pleasure. Our text rich environment means that even from the start of Foundation Stage, children are surrounding by a wealth of books and prompts to capture their imaginations.
The children arrived to a crime scene as the Evil Pea had been causing problems for Supertato again! We all helped to save the day! This week also caused great excitement as our tiny caterpillars arrived so had to look at The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Other favourite stories we focused on were The Gruffalo, Superworm, Harry and the Bucket Full of Dinosaurs, Elmer and We Are Going on a Bear Hunt.
A big thank you too to our wonderful PTFA whose donation allowed us to buy this wicker arch to add texture and atmosphere to our reading corner. In a classroom that is always busy, used for so much and with so many year groups, we are always trying to create different ‘zones’ for the children to learn in and this is a fantastic addition.
This week in Class 1 have been looking for signs that Spring is on it’s way. After a long Winter the children made predictions of what they might see, then we took our ipads on a Spring hunt so that they could capture their own images for themselves. We had some wonderful photographs. We then did some detailed observational drawings of things we found, including primroses, snowdrops, daffodils crocuses and frogspawn!
The children in Class 1 have been looking at their facial features and learning how to draw their own self portrait with Mrs Mammatt.
Over the sessions we have been looking at proportion and where our features sit on our face. We have also been involved in colour mixing, creating secondary colours as well as our own skin tone.
To create their beautiful colour portraits, the children used a mixed-media of paint, pencil, oil-pastel and Tempo ink for the background.
The children loved sharing and celebrating their portraits with each other. It’s been wonderful to see how they each reflect their different personalities and character!
We have been taking part in the Big School’s Birdwatch 2024 this week in Class One. We made bird feeders to entice the birds and linked our science learning about habitats with our maths work to learn how to collect and collate data effectively and why we do it. The children made their own tally charts and pictograms. We had some interesting discussions about why some species were more common in some locations and not others. In continuous provision Foundation have been painting some beautiful watercolour pictures of birds, eggs and feathers and thinking about how they would make a nest.
Class 1 performed ‘The Very Twinkly Nativity’.