
Cross Country at Whitchurch Down

I was so proud of all our cross country runners. They were all amazing. Despite the cold…

March 2024

Archimedes Visit

In Class 3 this week, we had a visit from Archimedes. He showed us some of his…

February 2024

Cross Country at Tavistock Meadows

A huge well done to our Cross Country runners. Just before half term we went to Tavistock…

February 2024

World Thinking Day 2024

This week we have celebrated ‘World Thinking Day’. Each year since 1926, on 22nd February, members of…

February 2024

Safer Internet Day 2024

On Safer Internet Day in Class 3, we spent lots of time looking at different persuasive techniques…

February 2024

Bird Watch 2024

Class 1 have been taking part in the Big School’s Birdwatch 2024 this week. They made bird…

February 2024