School Council
What is a school council?
A school council is a group of students who have been elected by other children in their school to represent the student body. They use their pupil voice to represent the views of the children within the school and to raise issues with members of the senior leadership team. A school council plays an important role within a school because they provide a meaningful way in which children can voice their opinions, particularly in terms of their education, and it shows a level of respect when they have their views taken into account by the senior leadership team.
Spring Term 2024 School Council
Year 6: Ellie & Adorjan
Year 5: Jake & Abel
Year 4: Reuben
Year 3: Jack
Year 2: Willow & Jack
What a busy start to 2024, with so many exciting new ideas and plans. Together, we looked at things we wanted to help support, both locally and nationally.
In school, we wanted to help each other and after discovering the role of peer mediators, chose to support each other through this. We watched some videos and learnt how we can support our friends without taking sides or causing any more distress. After February half term we will be out on the playground being available to support possible conflicts that may arise.
We felt so privileged to be asked by our student Miss Alexander if we could hold a mock interview for her. Often in teacher interviews, the School Council are asked to interview candidates so they can give the Headteacher and other senior staff the children’s idea on who would make a good teacher in their school. We are really excited about coming up with questions and interviewing soon after half term.
Looking further forward, and more nationally is Red Nose Day on 15th March. We decided to do something a bit different this year. The key message for this day is helping the homeless. We would like people to bring in any unwanted sleeping bags and blankets. (If you wanted to donate some non-perishable food instead, that will also be welcome.) We will pass this on to a charity that helps the homeless. On the day, pupils can wear something red, or a red nose, but no money is required on this occasion.
We are really excited about this term and hope that we can come back and share some of the great things that have happened.
We have now counted our Children In Need money. The sponsorship money and dress up money and online donations and the pens and gift aid made a huge total of £644.50. That is incredible! Thank you to everyone. A big well done to our School Council for organising the day.
We have heard from the British Legion and the selling of poppies made £142.17. They were so delighted and amazed by your generosity. Thank you to the School Council for organising the selling of poppies.
The School Council have also been looking at wet play games. They decided they wanted to sort through the wet play games to see what needed replacing. Father Christmas has given the School Council money to pay for some new games.